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Advocate Legal Services

Specialising in legal action against solicitors/barristers.

No Win No Fee

Has your Solicitor/Barrister been Negligent ?

Advocate is a company that enables individuals/companies to take legal action against solicitors and barristers for professional negligence without having to pay out any more money in legal fees in advance, as far as possible. You need to have sustained a financial loss.


Our solicitors are prepared to take legal action against other solicitors. They are specialists in solicitors’ complaints, costs and procedures and understand how incompetent, dishonest and manipulative solicitors can be.

You may be entitled to have your legal fees challenged if you believe you have been excessively overcharged. There are time scales for starting this depending on your contract and how you have been invoiced. The procedure for this is different from a normal legal action.


It might be an option for your legal case to be funded by a third party. If your case loses, you will not have to pay the money back. You would be insured against losing.


Advocate Legal Services is normally paid by a percentage of any damages recovered or a percentage of any saving made at the end of each case. If a case loses, we normally do not get paid. There can be exceptions.

Unlike most firms, your first contact will be with a staff member who has the experience to review your case no matter how complex it may be. You will always be treated with patience and understanding.


We are situated in Cheshire. Our clients are nationwide.

Will there be any upfront expenses?


If a case is taken on, clients may (but not always) be required to pay disbursements/court fees, barristers’ fees, fees for expert reports, etc., depending on the type of case; this normally only applies if proceedings need to be issued. Our aim is to avoid any upfront costs for our clients whenever possible, which is often achieved.

There may be funding available for disbursements and expenses and some clients will be eligible for a free court fee depending on their circumstances. If any of these expenses are required, clients will always be informed in advance so they can still decide whether taking legal action is the right option for them.


Will I need a meeting with Advocate?

It depends on the type of case you have. In most cases a face-to-face meeting will not be necessary as we can work from the case file.
However, in certain circumstances we will insist on a face-to-face meeting, which will usually be in the presence of our solicitors. This will enable both parties to meet and raise any issues before a case moves forward. There will never be any pressure for a client to proceed.

Which other professionals are trained to cover up their mistakes?


Our specialist solicitors are trustworthy

You will naturally be apprehensive before proceeding with legal action or making a complaint against your solicitor. However, it could be more straightforward than you expect. Solicitors/barristers are regulated, which means they are obliged to work within the rules and regulations; if they don’t, they could end up exposed to a claim.

Solicitors are insured, which means in the event your claim is successful, you are guaranteed to receive your damages.
Solicitors generally do not take a claim against them personally; they merely pass it on to their insurers who then appoint one of their panel solicitors to act on their behalf. Claims are always defended rigorously by the other side.


Approximately 90% of cases settle before going to court, so normally you would not be required to make a personal appearance.


The managing director of Advocate Legal Services has personally experienced the manipulation dishonesty and abuse solicitors can inflict and the financial and emotional damage they can cause. So, we can empathise with you.

We have witnessed some indefensible behaviour by solicitors which can only be described as morally reprehensible and in any other profession would be regarded as fraud. The legal profession can be a dirty business.


We will not proceed with any case unless we believe it will be successful.

Which other professionals’ institutional overcharge their clients and get away with it?

Contact Us

If a solicitors’ firm or barrister has been negligent causing you a financial loss, or you believe you have been overcharged legal fees, please contact us using our contact form.

Call: 01565 655034

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